Twickenham Regatta Saturday 25th May 2024 Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.
1) Open Coxed Fours 1 ) Twickenham ───┐
│ Twickenham
2 ) Kingston ──────┐ Kingston ├─────────────────
├─────────────────┘ 2 feet
3 ) Vesta ─────────┘ easily
2) Masters D Coxed Fours 4 ) Twickenham ────┐ Kingston
5 ) Kingston ──────┘ 1 length
3) Women's Coxed Fours 6 ) Mortlake A & A ────┐ Mortlake A & A
7 ) Kingston ──────────┘ easily │ Mortlake A & A
8 ) Sons of the Thames ┐ │ easily
│ Vesta │
9 ) Vesta ──────────────┐ Vesta ├──────────────────────┘
├──────────────────────┘ 1 1/2 lengths
10 ) Auriol Kensington ─┘ easily
4) Open Coxless Fours 11 ) Sons of the Thames (Michel) ┐ Kingston
12 ) Kingston ───────────────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths │ Sons of the Thames (Watson)
13 ) Sons of the Thames (Watson) ┐ │ 1 1/2 lengths
│ Sons of the Thames (Watson) │
14 ) Poplar Blackwall ────────────┐ Poplar Blackwall ├────────────────────────────────┘
├────────────────────────────────┘ Disqualification
15 ) Vesta ───────────────────────┘ easily
5) Masters C/D/E Coxless Fours 16 ) Thames (=D) ─────────────┐ Kingston (=E)
17 ) Kingston (=E) ───────────┘ 1/4 length │ Kingston (=E)
18 ) Thames Tradesmens' (=C) ─┐ Twickenham (=C) │ 4 lengths
19 ) Twickenham (=C) ─────────┘ 4 lengths
6) Masters F/G Coxless Fours 20 ) Thames Tradesmens' (=F) ┐
│ Reading (=G)
21 ) Reading (=G) ────────────┐ Reading (=G) ├────────────────────────────
├────────────────────────────┘ 1 1/2 lengths
22 ) Thames (=F) ─────────────┘ easily
7) Women's Coxless Fours 23 ) Sons of the Thames ─┐ Sons of the Thames
24 ) Putney Town ────────┘ 2 lengths
8) Women's Masters C/E Coxless Fours 25 ) Putney Town (Mortimer =E) ──┐
│ Kingston (=E)
26 ) Kingston (=E) ───────────────┐ Kingston (=E) ├────────────────────────────────
├────────────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths
27 ) Putney Town (Wlodarczyk =C) ─┘ easily
9) Open Quads 28 ) Twickenham ───┐ Vesta
29 ) Vesta ────────┘ easily
10) Masters E/F/G Quads 30 ) Maidstone Invicta (Strachan =G) ─┐ Thames (=G)
31 ) Thames (=G) ─────────────────────┘ easily │ Thames (=G)
32 ) Putney Town (Steele =F) ────────┘ 2 lengths │
│ Thames (=G)
33 ) Sons of the Thames (=F) ─────────┐ Sons of the Thames (=F) ├────────────────────────────────────
├────────────────────────────────────┐ │ 1 1/4 lengths
34 ) Maidstone Invicta (Barton =F) ───┘ 1 1/4 lengths │ Sons of the Thames (=F) │
35 ) Twickenham (=E) ─────────────────┐ Putney Town (Desmond =E) │ 2 1/2 lengths
36 ) Putney Town (Desmond =E) ────────┘ 2 lengths
11) Women's Quads 37 ) Twickenham ────────┐ Twickenham
38 ) Brentford Masters ─┘ 4 lengths
12) Women's Masters C Quads 39 ) Putney Town (Bartoli) ──┐
│ Putney Town (Shepherd)
40 ) Tideway Scullers School ─┐ Putney Town (Shepherd) ├────────────────────────────
├────────────────────────────┘ easily
41 ) Putney Town (Shepherd) ──┘ 3 lengths
13) Women's Masters D/F Quads 42 ) Thames Tradesmens' (=D) ───────┐ Mortlake A & A (Bell Syer =D)
43 ) Mortlake A & A (Bell─Syer =D) ─┘ easily │ Mortlake A & A (Bell Syer =D)
44 ) Mortlake A & A (Dale =F) ──────┐ Mortlake A & A (Dale =F) │ 1 1/2 lengths
45 ) Twickenham (=D) ───────────────┘ easily
14) Women's Double Sculls 46 ) Twickenham (Elson) ┐
│ Kingston
47 ) Kingston ───────────┐ Kingston ├───────────────────────
├───────────────────────┘ 3 lengths
48) Twickenham (Woods) ─┘ Row Over
15) Mixed Masters D/E/F Double Sculls 49 ) Bentham (=F) ──────────┐
│ Bentham (=F)
50 ) Twickenham (=E) ────────┐ Twickenham (=E) ├───────────────────────────
├───────────────────────────┘ 3/4 length
51 ) Brentford Masters (=D) ─┘ 2 lengths
16) Open Eights (Band 1) 101 ) Sons of the Thames ┐
│ Twickenham
102 ) Twickenham ─────────┐ Twickenham ├────────────────────────
├────────────────────────┘ 3/4 length
103 ) Vesta (Hannah) ─────┘ 1 3/4 lengths
17) Open Eights (Band 2) 104 ) Putney Town ──────┐ Vesta (Sheridan)
105 ) Vesta (Sheridan) ─┘ 2 lengths
18) Masters F/H Eights 106 ) Maidstone Invicta (=F) ─┐ Twickenham (=H)
107 ) Twickenham (=H) ────────┘ a canvas
19) Women's Eights 109 ) Twickenham ──┐ Twickenham
110 ) Vesta ───────┘ 4 1/2 lengths
20) Women's Masters D/E Eights 111 ) SON/MAA (=D) ──┐ SON/MAA (=D)
112 ) Kingston (=E) ─┘ Row Over
21) Mixed Masters D/E Quads 113 ) Putney Town (Wlodarczyk =D) ┐
│ Molesey (=E)
114 ) Putney Town (Desmond =E) ────┐ Molesey (=E) ├─────────────────────────────────
├─────────────────────────────────┘ 5 lengths
115 ) Molesey (=E) ────────────────┘ easily
22) Open Coxless Pairs 116 ) Barnes Bridge Ladies ┐
│ Auriol Kensington
117 ) Thames Tradesmens' ───┐ Auriol Kensington ├──────────────────────────
├──────────────────────────┘ 2 lengths
118 ) Auriol Kensington ────┘ 3 1/2 lengths
23) Women's Masters C/E/F Coxless Pairs 119 ) Putney Town (Hooper =C) ──┐
│ Kingston (=E)
120 ) Putney Town (Mortimer =F) ─┐ Kingston (=E) ├───────────────────────────────
├───────────────────────────────┘ easily
121 ) Kingston (=E) ─────────────┘ easily
24) Open Double Sculls 122 ) Poplar Blackwall ─┐ Poplar Blackwall
123 ) Furnivall SC ─────┘ 3 1/2 lengths │ Poplar Blackwall
124 ) Twickenham ───────┐ Mortlake A & A │ easily
125 ) Mortlake A & A ───┘ easily
25) Masters C/D/E Double Sculls 126 ) Kingston (Tjarks =C) ────────────┐ Twickenham (Tranter =C)
127 ) Twickenham (Tranter =C) ─────────┘ Row Over │ Twickenham (Tranter =C)
128 ) Brentford Masters (Fackrell =D) ┘ 1 1/2 lengths │ Twickenham (Bryant =C)
129) Kingston (Di Simone =E) ────────┐ │ 5 lengths
│ Twickenham (Bryant =C) │
130 ) Brentford Masters (Weir =D) ─────┐ Twickenham (Bryant =C) ├─────────────────────────────────────┘
├─────────────────────────────────────┘ DNS
131 ) Twickenham (Bryant =C) ──────────┘ easily
26) Masters F/G/H Double Sculls 132 ) Bentham (=F) ────────────┐ Bentham (=F)
133 ) Thames Tradesmens' (=F) ─┘ 3 1/2 lengths │ Thames (=H)
134 ) Thames (=H) ─────────────┐ Thames (=H) │ 1 length
135 ) Reading (=G) ────────────┘ 3 lengths
27) Women's Masters B/C/D Double Sculls 136 ) Putney Town (Lozano Licona =D) ┐ Putney Town (Lozano Licona =D)
137 ) Twickenham (Taylor =C) ────────┘ easily │ Putney Town (Lozano Licona =D)
138 ) Putney Town (Culley =C) ───────┐ │ 2 lengths
│ Putney Town (Culley =C) │
139) Twickenham (Neville =B) ────────┐ Putney Town (Zivkovic =C) ├────────────────────────────────────┘
├────────────────────────────────────┘ easily
140 ) Putney Town (Zivkovic =C) ──────┘ Row Over
28) Women's Masters E/F Double Sculls 141 ) KGS Veterans (=E) ────────────┐ KGS Veterans (=E)
142 ) Twickenham (=E) ──────────────┘ 5 lengths │ Mortlake A & A (=E)
143 ) Mortlake A & A (=E) ─────────┘ easily │
│ Tideway Scullers School (=F)
144 ) Brentford Masters (=D) ───────┐ Putney Town (=E) ├──────────────────────────────────
├──────────────────────────────────┐ │ 1 1/2 lengths
145 ) Putney Town (=E) ─────────────┘ easily │ Tideway Scullers School (=F) │
146 ) Maidstone Invicta (=F) ───────┐ Tideway Scullers School (=F) │ easily
147 ) Tideway Scullers School (=F) ─┘ easily
29) Open Sculls (Band 1) 148 ) Twickenham ───────┐ Twickenham
149 ) Marlow ───────────┘ easily │ Thames
150 ) Poplar Blackwall ─┐ Thames │ 2 lengths
151 ) Thames ───────────┘ 5 lengths
30) Open Sculls (Band 2) 152 ) Vesta (Chan) ───────┐ Vesta (Chan)
153 ) Kingston (Pugh) ────┘ Row Over │ Kingston (Randall)
154) Vesta (Brand) ──────┐ Kingston (Randall) │ 3 lengths
155 ) Kingston (Randall) ─┘ Row Over
31) Masters C/D Sculls 156 ) Kingston (Valionkin =C) ─┐ Poplar Blackwall (=C)
157 ) Poplar Blackwall (=C) ───┘ Row Over │ Mortlake A & A (=D)
158) Kingston (Hepburn =C) ───┐ Mortlake A & A (=D) │ 5 lengths
159 ) Mortlake A & A (=D) ─────┘ DNS
32) Masters E/F/G Sculls 160 ) Sons of the Thames (Young =E) ─┐ Twickenham (=E)
161 ) Twickenham (=E) ───────────────┘ 1ha lengths │ Twickenham (=E)
162 ) Kingston (=E) ────────────────┘ Not Rowed Out │ Maidstone Invicta (=G)
163 ) Sons of the Thames (Smith =F) ┐ │ 3/4 length
│ Maidstone Invicta (=G) │
164 ) Maidstone Invicta (=G) ────────┐ Maidstone Invicta (=G) ├───────────────────────────────────┘
├───────────────────────────────────┘ 5 lengths
165 ) Bentham (=G) ──────────────────┘ easily
33) Women's Single Sculls 166 ) Poplar Blackwall ───────┐ Poplar Blackwall
167 ) Putney Town (Binnion) ──┘ 2 lengths │ Mortlake A & A
168 ) Mortlake A & A ─────────┐ Mortlake A & A │ easily │
├────────────────────────────┘ │
169 ) Twickenham (Lloyd) ─────┘ easily │ Mortlake A & A
170 ) Twickenham (Griffin) ───┐ Twickenham (Griffin) │ Not Rowed Out
├────────────────────────────┐ │
171 ) Kingston ───────────────┘ easily │ Twickenham (Griffin) │
172 ) Radnor House Sch ───────┐ Radnor House Sch │ easily
173 ) Putney Town (Shepherd) ─┘ 1 length
34) Women's Masters C/D Sculls 174 ) Mortlake A & A (Ramsden =D) ─┐ Mortlake A & A (Ramsden =D)
175 ) Twickenham (=D) ─────────────┘ easily │ Mortlake A & A (Ramsden =D)
176 ) Molesey (=C) ───────────────┘ 5 lengths │ Mortlake A & A (Ramsden =D)
177 ) Mortlake A & A (Khiali =C) ─┐ │ easily
│ Mortlake A & A (Khiali =C) │
178 ) Thames Tradesmens' (=C) ─────┐ Thames Tradesmens' (=C) ├─────────────────────────────────┘
├─────────────────────────────────┘ easily
179 ) Kingston (=C) ───────────────┘ easily
35) Women's Masters E/G Sculls 180 ) Poplar Blackwall (Jenny =E) ─┐
│ Mortlake A & A (=E)
181 ) Mortlake A & A (=E) ──────────┐ Mortlake A & A (=E) ├──────────────────────────────────
├──────────────────────────────────┘ easily
182) Poplar Blackwall (Rebori =G) ─┘ DNS