Maidenhead Regatta

Saturday 10th August 2024

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC

13) Women's Masters F/G Quads

 33) WBK/WRC (Mehers =G)────────────┐ WBK/WRC (Mehers =G)               
 34) Mortlake A & A (Carstensen =F)─┘ 2:07 a canvas                     

31) Women's Masters F/G Double Sculls

 82) Eton Excelsior (Kelly/Arion =F)────┐ Eton Excelsior (Kelly/Arion =F)       
 83) Mortlake A & A (Pattison/Poole =G)─┘ 2:07 1 1/3 lengths                    │ Wallingford (Brown/Mehers =F)         
 84) Wallingford (Brown/Mehers =F)──────┐ Wallingford (Brown/Mehers =F)         │ 2:11 1 length                         
 85) Marlow (Rowe/Boszormenyi =F)───────┘ DNS                                   

38) Open Single Sculls (Band 1)

 105) Maidenhead (Baker)───────┐ Mortlake A & A (Stevens)     
 106) Mortlake A & A (Stevens)─┘ 2:02 1 1/2 lengths           │ Maidenhead (Kleshnev)        
                                 107) Maidenhead (Kleshnev)───┘ 1:59 3 lengths               │ Maidenhead (Kleshnev)        
                                 108) Marlow (Tiwana)─────────┐                              │ 1:46 2 lengths               
                                                              │ Marlow (Tiwana)              │
 109) Twickenham (Kolimechkov)─┐ Twickenham (Kolimechkov)     ├──────────────────────────────┘
                               ├──────────────────────────────┘ 1:48 1 length                
 110) Reading (Lister)─────────┘ 1:59 1 1/2 lengths           

39) Open Single Sculls (Band 2)

 111) Maidenhead (De Castro Alonso)─┐ Maidenhead (De Castro Alonso)     
 112) Mortlake A & A (Roberts)──────┘ 1:51 2 1/2 lengths                │ Maidenhead (De Castro Alonso)     
                                      113) Maidenhead (Breese)──────────┘ 1:57 3 1/2 lengths                │
                                                                                                            │ Maidenhead (De Castro Alonso)     
 114) Thames Valley Park (Miller)───┐ Thames Valley Park (Miller)                                           ├───────────────────────────────────
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┐                                   │ 2:01 5 lengths                    
 115) Maidenhead (Woosey)───────────┘ 2:06 2 lengths                    │ Thames Valley Park (Miller)       │
 116) Guildford (Mailer)────────────┐ Guildford (Mailer)                │ 2:03 4 lengths                    
 117) Maidenhead (Levkovskyy)───────┘ 2:14 easily                       

63) Open Double Sculls (Band 1)

 228) Eton Excelsior (Laloyaux/Williams)─┐ Eton Excelsior (Laloyaux/Williams)     
 229) Maidenhead (Baker/Hajdu)───────────┘ 1:46 1/2 length                        │ Maidenhead (Mulvaney/Cornwell)         
 230) Maidenhead (Mulvaney/Cornwell)─────┐ Maidenhead (Mulvaney/Cornwell)         │ 1:39 3 lengths                         
 231) Mortlake A & A (Roberts/Stevens)───┘ 1:44 4 lengths