Walton & Weybridge Regatta

Saturday 8th June 2024

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Henley RC

5) Junior 14 Coxed Quads (Band 1)

Sponsored by Heathside Walton

 13) Barn Elms──────────┐ Barn Elms             
 14) Wallingford (Gill)─┘ 2:53 5 lengths        │ Molesey               
                          15) Molesey───────────┘ 2:52 1/2 length       │ Molesey               
                          16) Henley────────────┐                       │ 2:37 2 lengths        
                                                │ Henley                │
 17) Guildford──────────┐ Walton                ├───────────────────────┘
                        ├───────────────────────┘ 2:56 easily           
 18) Walton─────────────┘ 2:54 6 lengths        

10) Masters B/C Double Sculls

                           45) Walbrook (=C)──────┐ Walbrook (=C)          
                           46) Walton (Pine =C)───┘ 2:50 a canvas          │ Walbrook (=C)          
                           47) Walton (Russell =C)┐                        │ 2:45 2 1/2 lengths     
                                                  │ Walton (Russell =C)    │
 48) Henley (=B)─────────┐ Walton (Webb =C)       ├────────────────────────┘
                         ├────────────────────────┘ 2:50 3 3/4 lengths     
 49) Walton (Webb =C)────┘ 3:11 2 1/2 lengths     

11) Masters D/E Double Sculls

                      50) Henley (=D)───┐
                                        │ Walton (=E)       
 51) Walton (=E)────┐ Walton (=E)       ├───────────────────
                    ├───────────────────┘ 2:38 easily       
 52) Guildford (=E)─┘ 2:49 easily       

12) Masters F/G Double Sculls

                     53) Bentham (=F)─┐
                                      │ Henley (=G)      
 54) Henley (=G)───┐ Henley (=G)      ├──────────────────
                   ├──────────────────┘ 2:46 1 length    
 55) ZHBL/WEY (=F)─┘ 3:19 4 lengths   

14) Junior 15 Double Sculls

Sponsored by The Boathouse Cafe

 58) Wallingford──────┐ Weybridge           
 59) Weybridge────────┘ 3:02 4 lengths      │ Weybridge           
 60) Guildford────────┐ Guildford           │ 3:05 2 1/2 lengths  │
                      ├─────────────────────┘                     │
 61) Molesey──────────┘ 3:11 Disqualification                      │ Henley              
 62) Henley───────────┐ Henley                                    │ 2:43 4 lengths      
                      ├─────────────────────┐                     │
 63) Walton───────────┘ 2:44 2 1/2 lengths  │ Henley              │
 64) St George's Coll─┐ St George's Coll    │ 2:47 2 3/4 lengths  
 65) Cranmore School──┘ 2:57 6 lengths      

15) Junior 13 Double Sculls

Sponsored by Ferrara Ice Creams

                       66) Henley─────────┐
                                          │ Henley             
 67) Cranmore School─┐ Guildford          ├────────────────────
                     ├────────────────────┘ 3:02 easily        
 68) Guildford───────┘ 3:35 3 lengths     

23) Women's Junior 13 Double Sculls

Sponsored by Ferrara Ice Creams

 103) Barn Elms───────────────────────┐ Barn Elms                           
 104) Henley (Kenny)──────────────────┘ 3:31 6 lengths                      │ Barn Elms                           
 105) Wimbledon High School (Wright)──┐ Walton                              │ 3:26 easily                         │
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘                                     │
 106) Walton──────────────────────────┘ 3:39 6 lengths                                                            │ Walbrook                            
 107) Wimbledon High School (Annetts)─┐ Henley (Vann)                                                             │ 3:22 easily                         
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┐                                     │
 108) Henley (Vann)───────────────────┘ 3:31 2 1/2 lengths                  │ Walbrook                            │
 109) Wimbledon High School (Stehl)───┐ Walbrook                            │ 3:18 easily                         
 110) Walbrook────────────────────────┘ 3:31 1 0 lengths                    

26) Junior 14 Sculls

Sponsored by Locker 27

                                  116) Petrosillo (Henley)──────┐ Petrosillo (Henley)           
                                  117) Gayfer (St George's Coll)┘ 3:10 easily                   │ Petrosillo (Henley)           
                                  118) Carswell (Walbrook)──────┐                               │ 3:13 easily                   
                                                                │ Stevenson (Guildford)         │
 119) Stevenson (Guildford)─────┐ Stevenson (Guildford)         ├───────────────────────────────┘
                                ├───────────────────────────────┘ 3:09 a canvas                 
 120) Barker (St George's Coll)─┘ 3:09 5 lengths                

32) Masters C/D Quads

 207) Henley──────┐ Henley          
 208) Cygnet──────┘ DNS             │ Walbrook        
 209) Walton──────┐ Walbrook        │ 2:25 easily     
 210) Walbrook────┘ 1:28 2 lengths  

33) Masters D/E Quads

                          211) Henley (Brown =E)┐
                                                │ Henley (Gray =D)      
 212) Henley (Gray =D)──┐ Henley (Gray =D)      ├───────────────────────
                        ├───────────────────────┘ 1:03 1/2 length       
 213) Weybridge (=D)────┘ 3:12 1 length         

36) Women's Masters C/D Quads

 218) Guildford (Johnson =C)─┐ Guildford (Johnson =C)     
 219) Henley (=D)────────────┘ 2:31 2 lengths             │ Guildford (Johnson =C)     
 220) Guildford (Gray =C)────┐ Marlow (=D)                │ 2:11 4 lengths             
 221) Marlow (=D)────────────┘ 0:13 3 lengths             

38) Women's Masters F Quads

                                226) Henley (Scott)─────────┐
                                                            │ Henley (Scott)              
 227) Henley (Peachey)────────┐ Tideway Scullers School     ├─────────────────────────────
                              ├─────────────────────────────┘ 2:49 2 3/4 lengths          
 228) Tideway Scullers School─┘ 3:01 3 1/4 lengths          

40) Junior 15 Coxed Quads (Band 1)

Sponsored by John Burnett, Regatta Past President

 232) Walbrook──────────────────┐ Walbrook                      
 233) Walton────────────────────┘ 2:32 3 3/4 lengths            │ Walbrook                      
 234) Henley────────────────────┐ Henley                        │ 2:43 1 3/4 lengths            
 235) St George's Coll (Mooney)─┘ 2:04 2 1/2 lengths            

42) Junior 13 (Thames) Coxed Quads

Sponsored by Jubilee High School

 244) Henley (Chapman)────────────────────┐ Weybridge (Curd)                        
 245) Weybridge (Curd)────────────────────┘ 3:08 1 foot                             │ Weybridge (Curd)                        
                                            246) Wimbledon High School (Offe─Amoyaw)┘ DNS                                     │
                                                                                                                              │ Weybridge (Curd)                        
 247) Guildford (Vosloo)──────────────────┐ Weybridge (Jackson)                                                               ├─────────────────────────────────────────
                                          ├─────────────────────────────────────────┐                                         │ 2:59 3 lengths                          
 248) Weybridge (Jackson)─────────────────┘ 3:26 3/4 length                         │ Weybridge (Jackson)                     │
 249) Wimbledon High School (Hughes)──────┐ Guildford (Merola)                      │ 1:41 1 3/4 lengths                      
 250) Guildford (Merola)──────────────────┘ 2:54 5 lengths                          

43) Junior 13 (Wey) Coxed Quads

Sponsored by Jubilee High School

 251) Walton──────────────────────────┐ Walton                              
 252) Wimbledon High School (Blick)───┘ 3:30 2 1/4 lengths                  │ Guildford (Thorpe)                  
                                        253) Guildford (Thorpe)─────────────┘ 2:00 4 lengths                      │ Guildford (Webb)                    
                                        254) Henley (Roberts)───────────────┐                                     │ 2:57 3 1/4 lengths                  
                                                                            │ Guildford (Webb)                    │
 255) Guildford (Webb)────────────────┐ Guildford (Webb)                    ├─────────────────────────────────────┘
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:16 2 1/2 lengths                  
 256) Wimbledon High School (Hopkins)─┘ 3:11 5 lengths                      

48) Junior 14 Double Sculls

Sponsored by Elmbridge Borough Council

 277) Henley───────────┐ Henley               
 278) Wallingford──────┘ 2:51 4 lengths       │ Marlow               
 279) Weybridge────────┐ Marlow               │ 2:37 3 feet          │
                       ├──────────────────────┘                      │
 280) Marlow───────────┘ 4:00 3 1/4 lengths                          │ Marlow               
 281) Cranmore School──┐ Barn Elms                                   │ 1:45 4 1/2 lengths   
                       ├──────────────────────┐                      │
 282) Barn Elms────────┘ 2:43 4 1/2 lengths   │ Barn Elms            │
 283) Molesey──────────┐ Molesey              │ 1:47 easily          
 284) St George's Coll─┘ 3:06 2 1/2 lengths