Bedford Quarts Sprint Regatta

Sunday 9th July 2006

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Beccles Rowing Club

0Womens Novice Coxed Fours

 67) City of Cambridge─┐ City of Cambridge    
 68) Beccles RC────────┘ 2:31 4 lengths       │ City of Cambridge    
 69) Star Club────────────────────────────────┘ 2:35 1/2 length      │
                                                                     │ City of Cambridge    
 70) Cambridge 99──────┐ Cambridge 99                                ├──────────────────────
                       ├──────────────────────┐                      │ 2:35 2 1/4 lengths   
 71) HSBC RC───────────┘ 2:34 3 feet          │ Cambridge 99         │
 72) Broxbourne RC─────┐ Sudbury RC           │ 2:34 2 lengths       
 73) Sudbury RC────────┘ 2:33 2/3 length      

0Senior 4 Double Sculls

 96) Peterborough City (Bishop/Hurford)─┐ Bedford (Lewis/Derry)                 
 97) Bedford (Lewis/Derry)──────────────┘ 2:15 easily                           │ Bedford (Lewis/Derry)                 
 98) Beccles RC (Lowry─Bartram/Banham)──┐ Bedford (Herridge/Walker)             │ 2:20 1 foot                           
 99) Bedford (Herridge/Walker)──────────┘ 2:16 2 lengths