Reading Town Regatta

Saturday 24th June 2023

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Shiplake Vikings RC

16) Women's Junior 16 Quads

 63) Shiplake Vikings (Toward)──────────────────────────────────┐
 64) Shiplake Vikings (Askin)───┐ Great Marlow School           │ Great Marlow School           
 65) Great Marlow School────────┘ 3:39 easily                   │ 3:36 2 1/2 lengths            
 66) Shiplake Vikings (Forrest)─────────────────────────────────┘

44) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Quads (Band 2)

 262) Bryanston School──────────────────────────────┐
 263) Shiplake Vikings────┐ Great Marlow School     │ City of Oxford          
 264) Great Marlow School─┘ NTT 1 1/2 lengths       │ 3:36 2 lengths          
 265) City of Oxford────────────────────────────────┘

49) Women's Double Sculls (Band 3)

 282) City of Oxford (Helmy/Csahók)──────────┐
                                             │ City of Oxford (Helmy/Csahók)              
 283) Shiplake Vikings───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┐
                                             │ 3:56 3 1/2 lengths                         │
 284) Canford School─────────────────────────┘                                            │
 285) City of Oxford (Rose/Maset)────────────┐                                            │
                                             │ James Allen's Girls' School                │ City of Oxford (Helmy/Csahók)              
 286) Bournemouth Univ. (Dance/Taylor)───────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────
                                             │ 3:55 easily                                │ 3:42 3/4 length                            
 287) James Allen's Girls' School────────────┘                                            │
 288) Bournemouth Univ. (Butterworth/Hickey)─┐ Bournemouth Univ. (Butterworth/Hickey)     │
 289) City of Oxford (Inker/Koekemoer)───────┘ 4:29 easily