Coronation 60th Anniversary Regatta (Sat)

Saturday 15th June 2013

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Castle DatchetVerdict
3712:48COL.8+71HEC(1) Hertford CollegeEXC(2) Exeter College1 1/2 lengths
4314:12COL.8+71ORO(3) Oriel CollegeWOO(4) Wolfson College, Oxford2 1/2 lengths
7116:29COL.8+ HEC(1) Hertford CollegeORO(3) Oriel College2 lengths
710:24W.COL.8+33EXC/OUB(5) Exeter Coll/Oxford Univ (Graham)ORO(6) Oriel College3 lengths
810:28W.COL.8+33WAD(7) Wadham CollegeEXC(8) Exeter College (Jackson)easily
910:32W.COL.8+34HAT(9) Hatfield College BCSPC/OUW(10) St Peters/Oxford Univeasily
1010:36W.COL.8+34IMP(11) Imperial CollegeMER(12) Merton Collegeeasily
3312:32W.COL.8+61ORO(6) Oriel CollegeWAD(7) Wadham College1 length
3412:36W.COL.8+61HAT(9) Hatfield College BCIMP(11) Imperial CollegeDisqualification
6115:40W.COL.8+ WAD(7) Wadham CollegeIMP(11) Imperial College1 length
310:08W.IM3.8+17HAB(21) Haberdashers MonmouthCHA(22) Champion of the Thames (Mills)3 lengths
610:20W.IM3.8+19GMS(13) Great Marlow SchoolCHA(14) Champion of the Thames (Axworthy)easily
1210:44W.IM3.8+44TYS(16) Tethys BCCFU(17) Cardiff University RCDisqualification
1711:12W.IM3.8+45KRC(20) Kingston Rowing ClubHAB(21) Haberdashers Monmouth1 1/4 lengths
1911:20W.IM3.8+44GMS(13) Great Marlow SchoolHER(15) Hereford RC1 1/2 lengths
3012:12W.IM3.8+45MAU(18) Manchester UniversityDEV(19) Devil's Elbow RC4 lengths
4414:16W.IM3.8+73GMS(13) Great Marlow SchoolCFU(17) Cardiff University RC3/4 length
4514:20W.IM3.8+73MAU(18) Manchester UniversityHAB(21) Haberdashers Monmouth1 3/4 lengths
7316:49W.IM3.8+ CFU(17) Cardiff University RCHAB(21) Haberdashers Monmouth1 2/3 lengths
110:00IM3.4+14DEV(23) Devil's Elbow RC (Tyler)SON(24) Sons of the Thames RCRow Over
210:04IM3.4+15KRC(30) Kingston Rowing ClubMER(31) Merton CollegeRow Over
410:12IM3.4+20PTR(33) Putney Town RC (Hale)DEV(34) Devil's Elbow RC (Beviss)easily
510:16IM3.4+18PET(26) Peterborough CityGMS(27) Great Marlow School2 1/2 lengths
1411:00IM3.4+42SON(24) Sons of the Thames RCPTR(25) Putney Town RC (Pamplin)2 1/2 lengths
1511:04IM3.4+40ETX(29) Eton Excelsior RCKRC(30) Kingston Rowing Club2 1/2 lengths
1811:16IM3.4+42GMS(27) Great Marlow SchoolPTR(28) Putney Town RC (Reilly)3 lengths
2011:24IM3.4+40HER(32) Hereford RCPTR(33) Putney Town RC (Hale)3 1/2 lengths
4014:00IM3.4+69ETX(29) Eton Excelsior RCPTR(33) Putney Town RC (Hale)1 1/4 lengths
4214:08IM3.4+69SON(24) Sons of the Thames RCGMS(27) Great Marlow School2 lengths
6916:19IM3.4+ GMS(27) Great Marlow SchoolETX(29) Eton Excelsior RCeasily
1110:40NOV.4+35WRO(39) Worcester CollegeGMS(40) Great Marlow SchoolRow Over
2912:08NOV.4+41MER(35) Merton CollegeWES(36) Westminster School BCDisqualification
3512:40NOV.4+70MHD(38) Maidenhead RCGMS(40) Great Marlow Schoola canvas
4114:04NOV.4+70WES(36) Westminster School BCETX(37) Eton Excelsior RC4 lengths
7016:24NOV.4+ WES(36) Westminster School BCMHD(38) Maidenhead RC3 1/2 lengths
8217:34W.IM1.4+ IMP(41) Imperial CollegeMBC(42) Molesey BCa canvas
2611:56W.IM3.4+60VRC(43) Vesta RCETX(44) Eton Excelsior RC1 1/2 lengths
3112:24W.IM3.4+59TYS(46) Tethys BCHAB(47) Haberdashers Monmouth3 lengths
3212:28W.IM3.4+59MHD(48) Maidenhead RCMAU(49) Manchester University3 3/4 lengths
5915:24W.IM3.4+75TYS(46) Tethys BCMAU(49) Manchester University4 lengths
6015:28W.IM3.4+75VRC(43) Vesta RCGMS(45) Great Marlow School3/4 length
7516:59W.IM3.4+ VRC(43) Vesta RCMAU(49) Manchester University2 2/3 lengths
6415:55W.NOV.4+79PAR(51) Parrs PrioryETX(52) Eton Excelsior RCeasily
7917:19W.NOV.4+ KRC(50) Kingston Rowing ClubPAR(51) Parrs Priory4 3/4 lengths
8117:29W.ELI.4X ETX(53) Eton Excelsior RCNRC(54) Nottingham RC1/2 length
5515:08W.SEN.4X68WRC(56) Wallingford RCMBC(57) Molesey BCDisqualification
6816:14W.SEN.4X NRC(55) Nottingham RCMBC(57) Molesey BC1 1/2 lengths
5715:16W.IM3.4X74IMP(58) Imperial CollegeDEV(59) Devil's Elbow RCeasily
5815:20W.IM3.4X74OLW(60) Oxford University Lwt Women's BCWEY(61) Weybridgeeasily
7416:54W.IM3.4X IMP(58) Imperial CollegeOLW(60) Oxford University Lwt Women's BCDisqualification
2511:52W.NOV.4X+49PAR(65) Parrs PrioryETX(66) Eton Excelsior RC (Stone)easily
4914:36W.NOV.4X+77DEV(64) Devil's Elbow RCPAR(65) Parrs Priory2 lengths
5114:44W.NOV.4X+77WES(62) Westminster School BCETX(63) Eton Excelsior RC (Purcell)4 lengths
7717:09W.NOV.4X+ ETX(63) Eton Excelsior RC (Purcell)PAR(65) Parrs Prioryeasily
3913:56OB.2X76 / 63_WBS(74) Windsor Old Boys (Morrell)_WBS(75) Windsor Old Boys (Ireland)3/4 length
5014:40OB.2X76 / 63_WBS(76) Windsor Old Boys (Wilkinson)_WBS(77) Windsor Old Boys (Willis)1/3 length
6315:50OB.2X _WBS(75) Windsor Old Boys (Ireland)_WBS(77) Windsor Old Boys (Willis)1 1/2 lengths
7617:04OB.2X _WBS(74) Windsor Old Boys (Morrell)_WBS(76) Windsor Old Boys (Wilkinson)1/2 length
2311:44Skiff54SSPC(70) Sunbury Skiff & Punting Club (Graham/Graham)WSPC(71) Wraysbury Skiff & Punting Club (Footit/Barfoot)4 lengths
3812:52Skiff80WSPC(67) Wraysbury Skiff & Punting Club (Lawson/Myhill)TVSC(68) Thames Valley Skiff Club (Ridgeway/Clarke)?
5415:04Skiff80WSPC(69) Wraysbury Skiff & Punting Club (Ducas/Bowyer)SSPC(70) Sunbury Skiff & Punting Club (Graham/Graham)2 lengths
8017:24Skiff TVSC(68) Thames Valley Skiff Club (Ridgeway/Clarke)SSPC(70) Sunbury Skiff & Punting Club (Graham/Graham)1 length
7817:14W.ELI.2X NRC(78) Nottingham RCWRC(79) Wallingford RC2/3 length
4614:24W.IM1.2X62NRC(81) Nottingham RCMAA(82) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BCRow Over
6215:45W.IM1.2X WRC(80) Wallingford RCMAA(82) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC2 1/2 lengths
3612:44W.IM2.2X65ETX(83) Eton Excelsior RCNRC(84) Nottingham RCRow Over
5214:56W.IM2.2X65MIK(85) Milton Keynes RCMBC(86) Molesey BC3/4 length
6515:59W.IM2.2X ETX(83) Eton Excelsior RCMIK(85) Milton Keynes RCNot Rowed Out
2211:40W.IM3.2X53MHD(91) Maidenhead RCWRC(92) Wallingford RCRow Over
2411:48W.IM3.2X53ETX(93) Eton Excelsior RC (Hatfield)LRC(94) London RC (Keczkowska)2 1/2 lengths
2712:00W.IM3.2X47KRC/PTR(89) Kingston/PutneyLRC(90) London RC (Peate)1 3/4 lengths
2812:04W.IM3.2X47GMS(87) Great Marlow SchoolETX(88) Eton Excelsior RC (Taylor)Row Over
4714:28W.IM3.2X66GMS(87) Great Marlow SchoolKRC/PTR(89) Kingston/Putneyeasily
5315:00W.IM3.2X66WRC(92) Wallingford RCETX(93) Eton Excelsior RC (Hatfield)1/2 length
6616:04W.IM3.2X KRC/PTR(89) Kingston/PutneyETX(93) Eton Excelsior RC (Hatfield)1 1/4 lengths
1310:56W.NOV.2X56MBC(95) Molesey BCOLW(96) Oxford University Lwt Women's BCRow Over
1611:08W.NOV.2X48WEY(98) WeybridgeWRC(99) Wallingford RC4 3/4 lengths
2111:28W.NOV.2X48LRC(100) London RCMHD(101) Maidenhead RCRow Over
4814:32W.NOV.2X72WRC(99) Wallingford RCMHD(101) Maidenhead RCDisqualification
5615:12W.NOV.2X72MBC(95) Molesey BCGMS(97) Great Marlow Schooleasily
7216:44W.NOV.2X MBC(95) Molesey BCWRC(99) Wallingford RC3 1/2 lengths
6716:09Mx.Skiff DSPC(72) Dittons Skiff & Punting Club (Yates/Millward)TVSC(73) Thames Valley Skiff Club (Barrs/Clarke)1 1/2 lengths